You were Kidnapped

You were Kidnapped

Listen to Audio Devotion

Colossians 1:13 NIV

13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,

A Big transfer took place when God saved us; We were transferred from the Dominion of Darkness and were brought into the kingdom of Light.

To Understand this better, here is what I would say;

We were kidnapped, and trafficked by sin. We were introduced to all kinds of sin, addictions, and lustful things of the world. We were subconsciously taught that it is better to live life without God. We were taught it is okay to embrace a sinful lifestyle and reject God and we believed it and lived that lie until God showed up one day and brought us of that darkness.

The interesting thing is when we were in the kingdom of darkness, we thought we are living in the light until Jesus showed us what true light, true joy, and freedom are.

So Jesus came down paid the price, broke the chains of sin & death, subdued the powers of darkness, and transferred us into his glorious kingdom.

We are not slaves to darkness but we are the child of Jesus.

Isn’t that amazing? If you are someone who has been set free by God and brought into this kingdom. I encourage you to rejoice, be grateful for your life, and share it with your friends so that they too may experience new life in Christ.

Suppose you are someone who considers yourself far from God. I encourage you to take a step of faith. Begin by confessing your sins, and ask Jesus to become the master of your life. He will help you.

Let’s Pray

Lord, we thank you for your salvation. Thank you for taking us out of the clutches of the enemy and giving us a new life. We pray that even those who do not know you will experience your great salvation and may their eyes be opened to see who you truly are.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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