You are not going to be a failure forever

You are not going to be a failure forever

Listen to Audio Devotion

When we face failures for the first time… It has an effect on us. But we think yea, we can get over this and succeed next time. But if you keep facing failure after failure…a thought that will come into your mind is,

“Your Life is going to be like this forever.”

“You will never improve”

“You will never Progress”

“You are a failure.”

But the Word of God has something different to tell us, As we read the word we are reminded that our failures and our challenges do not define who we are. But God defines who we are.

This is who you are in christ

Romans 8:37 NIV, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

So, Who are we in Christ?

What is my identity in Christ?

More than Conquerors.

Can you imagine that?

You may say, I don’t feel that. I don’t feel like a Conqueror.

Let me encourage you, Don’t let your feelings define you. Your feelings will tell you 100s of things. One day you’ll feel like you are on top of the world, and another day, you’ll feel like you’re a failure.

Stop Letting your feelings define you and allow God’s word to define you.

What does his word say?

You are more than a Conqueror.

In life we will face challenges that can cause us to fail…but that is not the end of our Life. Nor is our Life going to be like that forever.

Perhaps you are struggling with this thought that my life going to be like this forever. I am never going to change. I am not going to improve.

As you listen to God’s word remind yourself, You are more than a Conqueror through Christ and your failures and your feelings do not define who you are. Only God defines who you are.

So, I encourage you to rest in his word than your feelings.

Let’s Pray

Jesus, remind us of who you are and what you have done for us. Remind us every day that we are victorious, more than conquerors because of you. In your wonderful name. Amen.

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