Is Satan more powerful than us?

Is Satan more powerful that God's Children ? Is Satan more powerful than Christians ?
Is Satan more powerful that God's Children ? Is Satan more powerful than Christians ?

Is Satan more powerful than us?

This is a basic question yet one that needs to be answered because of this teaching that as God’s children we are more powerful than Satan and that we should be able to defeat satan in our daily lives.

It is often surprising, or rather shocking how many Christians lack an understanding of basic Christian theology. I don’t blame them but the pastors who have replaced bible study sessions in church with cell groups, and other prayer groups. While cell groups and prayer groups play an important role in the church, however, nothing is as important as a bible study session.

Answering the Question: Is Satan more powerful?

Yes, Satan is more powerful than us. Satan is an angelic being. Angelic beings in general are more powerful than us because of the way in which God has created angels and humans. Psalm 8:4-5 says, “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.” In God’s creation order, He created humans lower than the angels. This means angels do have power, and supernatural abilities that we don’t possess. Angels also have the privilege of serving in God’s presence and worshiping him face to face something that we don’t have but will eventually have.

Angels do not have salvation.

There was a very prayerful Christian lady who was praying for satan to be saved. Her rationale for this was simple; if satan is saved then there will be no sin on earth. Doesn’t that sound logical? Perhaps a great way to erase sin from the earth.

Here’s the truth, angels are created higher than human beings (Psalm 8:4-5) and serve God in his presence (Hebrews 1:14) seeing him face to face (Matthew 18:10). Angels do not have Salvation. This means, no repentance or forgiveness of sins is available to them. This is primarily because they have seen God in his fullest glory and still, if they sin it becomes a wilful disobedience and rebellion on their part, and this is exactly what satan did when he was serving in God’s presence. He chose to wilfully rebel, which is why there is no salvation for angels or satan himself.

Hebrews 6:4 states about us, humans, that those who have been enlightened and tasted the heavenly gift. It is difficult to be brought back once they have fallen. If this is so for human beings, imagine how much for angelic beings who have seen and experienced God in his fullest glory.

Angels have freewill

Though there is no second chance for angels, they do have free will. They can think, decide and function based on their choices. A clear evidence of their free will is satan’s rebellion (Isaiah 14:12-14) and the other angels who followed.

Jude 6 NIV
6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.

Angels do have free will and they face the consequences for their actions.

God has permitted satan to use his power for a limited time

After Satan was cast down, he deceived Adam & eve (Genesis 3:4-6), and thus sin entered into this world. God in his sovereignty has permitted satan to have power for a limited time till he destroys him completely (1 Corinthians 15:26) when Jesus returns the second time.

Should I be worried about Satan?

Absolutely not. We must remember that God fights battles for us. It is God who gives us the victory. There are times when God will permit satan to test and try us as he did to Job (Job 1:12), but we shouldn’t lose hope or get weary because God will never let us be destroyed by Satan.

If you are experiencing uncertain situations that is causing great fear, stress and anxiety. We encourage you to listen to our latest sermon on, “Dealing with Uncertainites.”

Additional Resources:
Can fallen angels repent and be forgiven by CARM Apologetics

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