Did Jesus pay the price for our physical healing?

Did Jesus pay the price for our physical healing?

The greatest gift we have ever received is salvation, and salvation in its purest form is enough. All we need is a relationship with Jesus. However, it is often taught that Jesus also died for our physical healing. This is a misinterpretation of Isaiah 53:5.

Healing has two meanings: Physical and Spiritual. In this context (Isaiah 53:5), It has to do with spiritual healing.

  • Because of our transgression, we were separated from God.
  • Because of our Iniquities, we were separated from God.
  • We were healed of those iniquities and transgressions by his Stripes.

This verse doesn’t talk about guaranteed physical healing. The apostle Peter (1 Peter 2:21-25) writes the same as well.

Simply saying that Jesus paid the price for our healing is not right. It is one statement taken out of context and preached. That is wrong. Healing is always a demonstration of God’s power. Healing a person is up to God. We should stop saying healing is already purchased, all we have to do is claim it. This leads to a point where, if that person doesn’t get healed, then they blame that they don’t have enough faith to be healed. It turns into a blame game. ‘As long as we live on this earth. There will be suffering, there will be pain and sickness. Christ died for our Salvation.

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