Give it all to Jesus

Give it all to Jesus

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There’s a beautiful passage of scripture that reminds us that no matter what we carry, no matter what challenges we may face, we can give it all to Jesus.

Matthew 11:28 NIV
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

These are the words of Jesus to the people he was addressing at that time. And these are his words for us today as well. As we begin our day, there might be sorrows in our hearts. There might be pain that we experienced yesterday that could be weighing us down today. Although it’s a new day, it’s a new morning, and the sorrows of yesterday might still be holding on to us.

What do we do in those moments? Where do we go? Who do we share with? Because sometimes, even if we share with others, it doesn’t seem like the problem ends, but probably increases more. Because not everybody understands what we are going through. What do we do in those times? The Bible calls us to come to Jesus.

Give it to him. We may be weary and burdened, but when we come to him, we will surely find rest. We may not find this rest anywhere. In people, or at any place, but in the hands of Jesus, in his loving arms, we will find rest. There’s a beautiful song that I was reminded as I was preparing for the devotion.

Says like this,

Give them all.
Give them all to Jesus.
Shattered dreams, wounded hearts, broken toys.
Give them all to Jesus.
And he will turn your sorrows into joy.

As you begin your day today, I want to remind you that God is ready to receive everything that you give to him. Your burdens, your sorrows, your pain. When you give it all to him, he will turn your sorrows into joy.

Let’s pray.

Father, we thank you for this open invitation that we have to come to you, to lay our burdens before you. Lord, help us, Master, to… Approach your throne of grace every time we feel weary and every time we feel overwhelmed. Sometimes there are thoughts in us that keep us from coming to you. Sometimes the disappointments that we face makes us feel as if, God, you didn’t take care of me! Makes us feel as if you’re far from us, but remind us today, God, that even in the challenges that we are facing, you are close to us. Help us to lay all our burdens at your feet in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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