Don’t let busyness destroy you

Don’t let busyness destroy you

Being busy is good when it comes to work, if you’re occupied with doing something worthwhile, it’s great. But if busyness becomes a lifestyle, then that’s destructive. If you become so busy that you don’t even have time for people who love you, when you don’t even have time to sit down and relax, then that’s bad.

There are some who feel so guilty if they take rest because being busy is so ingrained into their system that they cannot even rest. As a result, what happens is marriage suffers, children suffer, and though they may be financially very successful, but in other areas of relationships and family, they might be a failure.

1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Now this verse may not seem like a verse that talks about busyness, but there is something that we can learn from here. The Bible says like this, whatever you do, Do it all for the glory of God. This includes our work and the things that we do in terms of our career and all that.

Key to breaking busyness

The key here is to do all to the glory of God. A person becomes busy, extremely busy, and busyness becomes their lifestyle when they’re doing all unto themselves. Not unto God, but unto themselves. Because the truth is, if a person is doing it for the glory of God, God governs his work. God helps him balance out other areas of life as well. But if a person is doing all for themselves. All for their ambitions and their goals and they want to achieve this target then what happens is they become their own God, they become their own master and they’re doing it all for the glory of themselves, not for the glory of God. So one of the key ways to destroy busyness from our life, one of the key ways to remove busyness from our life, is to remember that my work is for the glory of God the things that I do are for the glory of God.

Not your Glory but God’s

It’s not for me because when a person turns their focus to themselves, they’ll be driven more and more every day. No goals will ever be satisfying them. They just need to achieve more and more and more. But when you do it for the glory of God, there will always be a sense of satisfaction in everything you do.

And when you do it for the glory of God, God will help you. Have a good relationship, a good family, a good life in general, and a successful career. So as you begin your day, ask yourself this, am I being taken over by busyness? Is busyness destroying me? How is my relationship today? How are my friendships today?

How is my family life today? Ask yourself that. If there is something that you might say, I don’t know, maybe it’s, uh, I don’t think of it much because there’s too much of a problem, that’s a sign that busyness has destroyed you. Shift your focus. Do it for the glory of God, not for yourself.

Do not let busyness destroy you.

Let’s Pray

Father, We thank you that you have helped us to understand from your word That our work is for your glory not for our sake not for my sake not for my ambitions But for your glory and so lord help us to understand this truth That we may break the yoke of busyness from our life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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