
Head Covering
Head Covering

Should a Woman cover her Head ?

Should women cover their heads is often a highly debated question in pentecostal circles. Often this practice is enforced than explained. In this article we explan. Read more.

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Be a Man - theologia
Biblical Manhood

Be a Man

“Be a Man”, “Brace yourself like a Man” are words that we find in the Bible. So, What does bible say about being a man ? Learn more.

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Illustration of a Man in the desert

Did God pre-plan Ishmael’s destiny?

Angel said, “Ishmael will be Wild Donkey of a man.” What does this mean ? Has God pre-planned his destiny so that he is Hostile to others ? Did Ishmael have free will to choose his life ?

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Background of Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is an inspirational Psalm. It moves our heart to understand God’s care, compassion and protection for those who rely on him. Learn more about the background of this beautiful psalm.

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