What’s up with Pentecostalism?


What’s up with Pentecostalism?

Welcome to “Decoding Pentecostalism”

“Decoding Pentecostalism” is a series of articles that I’ve been contemplating writing for a year now. It’s been on my mind, and I have been considering various approaches to writing this, mentally preparing to start this series. Also, I’m bracing myself for the potential backlash after I publish these articles.

If you’re wondering about the purpose of this series, let me to explain.

The Purpose of this series

I grew up in a family that believed in Pentecostalism, and naturally, I followed the doctrines until I began to study the scriptures for myself. As a pastor’s kid, my dad wanted my brother and I to go to Bible college before choosing any other career. At first, I hated it but later began to love it as I learned how to study and interpret scripture. I had the privilege of learning under great teachers who left a profound influence on me. Over the years, I began to apply those principles of Bible study and interpretation to verify the validity of Pentecostal doctrines. It was then I came to a realization that most of what I had believed and practiced was not biblical. It dawned on me how Pentecostalism has produced false converts and, worst of all, has kept many from coming to Jesus. Following three years of seminary training, I dedicated a little over 4 years to studying the Bible while working another job. During this period, I seldom preached or taught scripture. My pastoral ministry began in 2016 when I started Hope City Church in Mangalore. Over the course of 7+ years, I preached and taught over in 600+ services. During my pastoral ministry I met many students from Pentecostal backgrounds. Some were unclear about their beliefs, while others held rigidly to their doctrinal positions.

Over time, I felt the need to create a series that addresses Pentecostal practices and doctrines in detail.

Not my feelings/opinions about pentecostalism

My goal is not to share my feelings or opinions, but to help reveal the truth about Pentecostalism in the light of proper scriptural interpretation. I want to help people differentiate between what is true doctrine and what only appears to be true.

My Writing Plan

I plan to write articles as frequently as my time allows. I write this not for myself, but for the many Pentecostals who might be confused or asked why certain things occur in a certain way. For instance, in Ecstatic Worship (a form of worship where people shake and move beyond their control), one might wonder if scripture suggests that we must always shout, scream, and lose control during worship. Tongues; the overemphasis on speaking in tongues and the idea that if one doesn’t, they are considered a heathen. Dressing in white only, not wearing jewels, and more often raises the question: does God demand all these or do humans require these standards to be met? You’ll be surprised at the answer when we deal with these in later articles.

Sermon & Teaching Reviews

Also, I will be evaluating sermons of popular Pentecostal preachers to check if their sermon align with actual interpretation of the bible.

You may be offended

Some statements you find may sound shocking or offensive, but I encourage you to read through carefully, think, and share your thoughts or questions with us.

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please send them to joshua@hopecity.org.in. I will do my best to answer your questions.

Here’s the first article

Table of Contents
About the Author

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