When I don’t feel like reading the bible

When I don’t feel like reading the bible

Listen to Audio Devotion

There are times when we won’t feel like reading the Bible. We know God’s word is important, it gives us wisdom, guidance, and everything that we need to live our lives. But, there will be times when we won’t feel like reading the Bible. Where we’ll say, rather, I’ll do something else, because I opened the Bible, I read it, but it doesn’t make sense to me.

We often fail because we let our thoughts run wild. We focus on other solutions than focusing on what God has given us. And we also fail in reading the Bible because fear fills our hearts and fear makes our thoughts run wild and those thoughts keeps our minds so preoccupied that even if we read, nothing would make sense to us.

Psalm 119:105 NIV Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalmist saying what the word means to him. In this verse, you not only see what it means to him, but also you see a commitment to God’s word.

When we begin to look at God’s word with a commitment that today I’m going to read because I’m committed to it, then our Bible reading will be completely different. If we truly desire to read God’s word, we must understand, that reading God’s word always begins with a delight. It begins with a longing to learn and a desire to gain wisdom from God’s word.

It also begins with a longing to know the heart of God. Because throughout the scriptures, God has revealed his nature and the work he has done from the beginning of time until now. So when we read the word of God, we are reminded that God is always at work, he’s been at work in history, in the stories that we see and also he’s at work in our life. And so, because God is at work in our lives, nothing can ever stop him.

Never stop reading the Bible because the day you stop reading the Bible, you allow all kinds of thoughts to capture your mind. But the more you read the Bible, you are setting your mind free from every thought that can captivate you. Every thought that can pull you down

Let’s pray

Lord, help us to delight in your word every day that we will open the Bible with a longing to learn longing to gain Wisdom from you and Father, We also want to know you, Lord. So reveal yourself through your word.

We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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