Remain Strong

Remain Strong

Listen to Audio Devotion

Good Morning, Welcome to a New day, I hope you are doing well. First, of all, we would like to thank you for listening and reading our daily devotion. We believe this has been a blessing to you. We take great joy and pleasure in sharing God’s word with you and we hope to publish as many devotions and articles as possible. We request your prayers.

Yesterday, I shared on Shifting your Focus — shifting your focus from the world to Christ so that you can get rid of every sin that may put you down.

Perhaps, you may have made that decision to shift your focus from the world to Christ. And Now, what? What’s the next step?

The Next Step is this, remain strong. Remain strong in this new decision or the new change you have made. Do not turn back or go back to the world but continue to stay firm in the decision that you have made.

1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

I love that phrase, “Let nothing move you.” It is important to stay firm because we will face temptations of all kinds. We will feel the urge to back to the old ways and do that just once, try out just once and sometimes this thought will come to you saying, just try it once. It’s not going to hurt. God knows that you are human, that you are weak. Just try it once.

But this is where we have to remind ourselves that it’s not just about making the decision but sticking to it. As the bible reminds us, stand firm and let nothing move you.

Let’s Pray.

Lord, I pray for anyone who has made that decision to leave their past behind and run towards you. I pray for anyone who has shifted their focus from the world toward you. I pray that you help them stand firm in this decision. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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