You will succeed

You will succeed

There are days when you might feel like a loser. There are days when you feel as if no matter what you try, everything fails. You may have woken up with a sense of defeat.

I want to remind you through God’s word, You will succeed. You will be victorious.

There’s a verse in the bible that I love, it’s taken from

Philippians 1:6 NIV
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

The Church at Philippi was facing challenges in their faith. Many were persecuted for their faith. At this point, people wondered if they would be able to stand firm in the faith. If they will be able to stand firm in their commitment to Christ.

Paul writes to them reminding them of the truth that their coming to Christ, wasn’t based on their own efforts but because of what Christ had done on the cross. So, it’s a work that was started by God, and Paul assures the church that God will complete what he started, which means they will be victorious in their faith and will be able to stand firm in the midst of persecution.

In the same way, if we are able to do something it’s because God started the work in us.

In spite of all the challenges you face, you will succeed because God is writing your story! Whether it’s faith, your career, or your ministry…you will succeed because God is able to finish what he has started.

Let’s Pray

Lord, we thank you for the victories in the midst of great challenges because you are the God who is able to finish what you have started. Thank you, Lord. In your name, we pray. Amen.

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