You don’t have a Soul Mate.

You don’t have a Soul Mate.

I know you may not like this title but I encourage you to read through it carefully because this is a truth that you should know.

The concept of a soul mate is quite popular. It is made popular through stories, movies and etc., Somehow this belief has been ingrained into us that out there in this world there is a person, a better half waiting to meet us. If we can just find them then we will find the one true soul mate who will complete us. There are some who Christianize this concept saying, I’m looking for the one who God made just for me.

While such ideas sound heart-warming and lovely but they are far from the truth.

To help understand this better, I’d like to share the origins of this idea of a soul mate.

Background: Roots in Greek Philosophy

The roots of this concept may surprise you because you may find that there is no connection to the bible but is rooted in Greek philosophy.

According to Greek Philosopher Plato, around 2000 years ago, there existed a super-race of androgynous humans (Androgynous refers to a person or being that has both male and female characteristics or qualities). Apparently, this super race consisted of “round” people, comprising both males and females in one person. According to Plato, they were getting super powerful.

Zeus (a greek god) said, “I shall cut each of them in two,… and they will be both weaker and more useful to us through the increase in their numbers.”

This cutting into two left both halves desperate to be united with each other. When the two halves find each other, all they could do was cling to each other, which led to their deaths, “because they were unwilling to do anything apart from each other.” So, Zeus won because he made the humans weak, deprived, and desperate and no longer a threat to the gods.

Plato suggests that from early times human beings had, inborn in themselves, Eros (Eros is responsible for the intense desire and passion people feel for one another) for one another. Eros also referred to as the Greek god of love and sexual desire, tries to bring together man and woman as one being so that they can be healed. According to Greek philosophy, each of us is a token of a human being, because we are like sliced fillets of sole, two out of one; and so each is always in search of his own token.

Thus the concept of a soul mate was born; finding your lost half.

What does the Bible say? Does it support the Concept of a Soul mate?

According to the Bible, the problem is not that we have been sliced into half by Zeus but that we have been separated from God because of sin (Isaiah 59:2). But we can be reconciled to God through the finished work of Jesus on the cross by which we can draw closer to the God who made us. Now, though marriage is a great and wonderful union, it is only secondary to the spiritual status that we receive through our union with Christ.

The real problem is not that we have been sliced but separated from God because of sin.

The Big Problem

Those who believe in the concept of a soul mate desperately search for, “the one.” That missing half who is able to complete them. The problem here is that they date out of desperation, out of this desire that the perfect one will satisfy, and fulfill everything they are looking for. Some go too far to shut their wisdom, and discerning qualities to find the one they feel the vibes with.

There was a lady who was stuck in a terrible terrible relationship. Her boyfriend had cheated on her with her best friend, he was no good, had no aspirations, no goals, not a hard worker (important quality for a man). In short, he was a jerk. Although this lady knew that her boyfriend is a jerk yet she was not willing to give up because she believed that he is the one for her.

People who often carry this feeling think before letting go of a very toxic relationship out of the fear that he or she could be the one.

This eventually leads to falling in love and marrying based on the vibes or better term, “infatuation”, which makes everything worse. Feelings become the guide and marker in such relationships.

The Big Truth

Soul mates don’t exist nor do the Christianized version, “The one who God made for me” exists. Those are not rooted in biblical ideas but worldly philosophies which I believe are designed to turn marriage away from its true purpose.

If you are someone who is considering a relationship because you believe he or she is your soul mate. I advise that you reconsider your decision.

If you are interested in learning more about Dating and how to choose the right one. We encourage you to watch our Teaching Series on Dating 101.

Recommended Resources (Resources I used for writing this content)

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