Word for May 2023

Word for May 2023

Listen to Audio Devotion

Good morning. Welcome to a new month. God, in his great mercy has enabled us to see the fifth month of this year, May 2023. When I look back, I’m sure all of us, when we look back, we can say that God has been good to us, gracious to us, merciful to us, that he has sustained us thus far. And so as we enter into this new month, we are gonna do that with the heart of gratitude.Telling God, I thank you for the past four months. Thank you for guiding, protecting, leading, giving your word every day, and even as we step into May 2023. Lord, help us. Help us to live for you. Help us to serve you and help us to glorify your name. So as we begin this new month, I’d like to share a word for May 2023, and it’s taken from a very familiar passage in the Book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways. Submit to him and he will make your paths straight .

A beautiful verse.. It’s a simple verse, something that we already know, but a reminder that we need to constantly do this every day, because often when it comes to making decisions, we struggle and we struggle not knowing which one to choose because we don’t trust God enough.

It’s not that we do not know how to make the right choice or the right decision, it’s because we don’t trust God enough to choose the right thing. God will be leading us toward something, but our heart may not be in that matter completely, so we may be trying another step. When we look at one of the Bible characters, one of the first kings of Israel was Saul.

Saul was a man who was filled with pride. As a result, he trusted in himself more than God. He relied on himself more than God. He relied on his opinions more than God, and that’s why you look the result of his life was that he was a disobedient man. Lack of trust in God can lead towards disobedience.

Lack of trust can make us turn away from God. And the truth is, when we turn away from God, we turn to the evil one. That’s the reality. There’s no gray area where you can say that I’m not either on God’s side, nor on the enemy side. You cannot be in the middle. So when we lack trust, what we are doing is we are turning away from God and turning towards the evil one.

Three areas

So there are three areas that we need to trust in God for, First is our future. That is our studies job and marriage, whatever you may be seeking God for, continue to trust in him more for that specific area.

And second area, we have to trust God is for our resources. Before you call up your parents and ask for something, ask God before you find a way of doing something on your own. Ask God, seek him. He will take care of your needs. He will provide for you.

Finally, trust God in the challenges that you’re facing. Whatever challenges you may face in your workplace, in your, uh, college or whatever is happening to you. No problem is bigger than what God can solve. God can do the impossible. The more you trust in God, problems will be solved easily, but the lesser you trust problems will multiply. So as you begin this month, I encourage you to trust God in every area of life.

Psalm 34:10
The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

So trust in him and you’ll experience God’s mighty hand over your life.

Let’s pray.

Lord, even as we begin this new month, help us to trust in you more than ever. Help us to rely on you and depend on you for everything. Because you are the God who never, ever fails. We thank you and we love you. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen

Thank you for listening to our devotion. We hope you are blessed by what you heard today. If you’d like to get in touch with us for prayers or counseling, you can do so by visiting our website, theolog.online/contact theology online slash contact.

Get in touch with us. We’ll be more than happy to talk to you. If you’d like to support this ministry financially, you can do so by visiting. Our website, theolog Online slash give theolog online slash Thank you for listening. God bless you.

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