Why is it hard to believe

Why is it hard to believe

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This is a question often Christians struggle with, “Why is it hard to believe ?”

I know God is a miracle worker; a waymaker; my provider. He can do all things but why is it hard to believe? Why is it a big struggle to put my faith, hope, and trust in God? It’s easier to trust man; easier to believe in man than believe in God.

Probably, this may be a struggle for you,

I want to share with you why it’s hard to believe.

When Jesus was on this earth, He went to a place called Bethany because he heard that his friend Lazarus had passed away and so Jesus came closer to the tomb where Lazarus was laid..

John 11:39 NIV
“Take away the stone,” he said. “But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

Here’s the situation, It’s been four days since Lazarus died and there is a bad smell also the Jews had a belief that after death, the spirit hovers around for four days seeking a way to enter the body again but after four days the spirit leaves because the face of the body is decayed that it was no longer recognizable. This is why Martha thought, if only Jesus had come earlier, a miracle was possible, but now it’s four days, the body is decayed, and spirit has left the body.

Jesus responds,

John 11:40 NIV
Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

This is where the unbelief of Martha meets with the miraculous power of Jesus.

Jesus reminds her of what he told earlier, that if she believes, she will see the glory of God. When Jesus said this statement, he urged Martha not to focus on the hopeless situation but to remember that if she believes she can witness the glory of God.

As we look at this story, we find why we struggle to believe…

The reason is that we focus too much on the

  • Hopeless situation
    • Failures
    • What we’ve lost

The more focus on the hopeless situation, we open the door to unbelief. It becomes harder and harder to believe.

So, if you are struggling to believe. The question you must ask is this.. where is my focus? Is it on Hopeless situations or Is it on the miracles that God can do?

If you are struggling to believe, shift your focus today!

Let’s Pray

Lord help us set our eyes on you and not on the difficult situations we face. Because, when we set our eyes on you, worries fade, and hope rises. As we begin our day, we pray that we will always focus on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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