What if I am not healed, Part 2

What if I am not healed, Part 2

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Good Morning, Welcome to a New Day! Hope you are doing well.

Yesterday, I shared with you on, “What if I am not healed.” and today, I’d like to continue speaking on the same subject. If you are someone discouraged because you’ve prayed over and over again for healing but have not received the healing. if you are that person, this morning, I’d like to encourage you with God’s word.

Kathryn Butler, She is a trauma and Critical Care Surgeon said,

When it comes to praying for healing or receiving healing from God, there’s one important distinction we should make, i.e., Although God can heal us, we must never presume that he must.

What does that mean,

God is able to Heal, He can grant healing. When Jesus was on this earth he healed. God is able to heal even to this day! However, we must not expect healing to take place on demand. I have witnessed this happen in certain places where if the healing doesn’t happen that means, Either the Pastor doesn’t have faith or the person who is sick does not have faith. That’s a wrong understanding because, in the case of Job, God allowed that sickness to come into his body, and Job being a righteous man would have prayed for healing but that didn’t happen immediately. It took some time till then he had to suffer but through that suffering, his faith and understanding of God changed completely. He drew closer to the LORD than before.

There is something beautiful and profound that can happen in our sickness; We draw closer to God and also we tend to look forward to an eternal home where we will never fall sick again.

Sickness also reminds us that we living in a fallen world. Death, sickness, and calamity are the result of Sin, and one day when Jesus comes, it will all change into a place where there is no sickness

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” – Revelation 21:4 NIV

Until then, if you are battling with sickness, remember this, God will grant you an opportunity to draw closer to him and also to have a glimpse of heaven.

This means one thing, thank Him when you receive the Healing, and also thank him when you don’t receive the healing. Because God is doing something greater than you have ever imagined.

Let’s Pray

Lord, you are sovereign in our sickness. In the challenges that we may face on earth, you are constantly refining us through that suffering, and you are preparing us for the world that is to come. Thank you, Lord for work in our Lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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