What are the four beasts in Daniel 7 ?

What are the four beasts that daniel saw ?
What are the four beasts that daniel saw ?

What are the four beasts in Daniel 7 ?

In Chapter 7, Daniel sees a vision that troubles him. In this vision, God shows Daniel the present and the future events. This vision disturbed Daniel and later an explanation was given for the vision.


The events that occur in Daniel 7 happened before the fall of Babylon. Although the fall of Babylon is mentioned in Daniel 6, however, the vision that was recorded in chapter 7 was revealed before the fall of Babylon. Daniel 7:1 gives us the context, “In the first year of King Belshazzar…”

Major Theme: God is Sovereign

As we study this, one of the prominent themes that you will find is this, “God is Sovereign” and He is the supreme ruler.

The Vision of Four Beasts

Daniel 7:2-8 records the vision of the four beasts that rise out of the sea. Daniel 7:2–3 describes the origin of the beasts, i.e., they came up out of the sea. (v4)

Origin of the Beasts

Daniel 7:3 “..They came out of the sea”. This sea is not literal but symbolic. What does the sea symbolize?

There are three symbolisms:

  1. The Sea is an Element of Treachery:
    • The sea is at one moment calm, and harmless; and the next, sending a nation into mourning by overwhelming her vessels and casting their crews into the depths of the ocean

  2. The Sea is an element of Restless change:
    • From its creation to the present moment its waters have not been at rest for a single hour.

  3. The Sea is an element of destructiveness
    • The sea is a destroying power. The Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman empires were destructive rather than constructive forces in the world.

All this symbolism signifies all those four mighty nations that came up were treacherous, restless, and destructive. Also, the four kingdoms presented as four beasts show that these nations were more animalistic than humans. These four kingdoms are the best examples of a godless nation.

Four Beasts = Four nations

First Beast: Lion with Eagle wings

In Daniel 7:4, Daniel describes the first beast as a Lion with the wings of an eagle. Daniel watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human was given to it.

The Lion represents Babylon,

  • Jeremiah 4:7
  • Jeremiah 49:19
  • Jeremiah 50:17, 43,44

It had the wings of an Eagle

  • Jeremiah 48:40
  • Jeremiah 49:22
  • Lamentations 4:19
  • Ezekiel 17:3
  • Habakkuk 1:8

Nebuchadnezzar shows these wings at the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BC

In Daniel 4:33, those wings were plucked.

Second Beast: Bear

In Daniel 7:5, Daniel describes the second beast that looked like a bear. The bear represents the kingdom of Persia. Daniel sees the bear raised up on the side, this probably refers to the stronger part of the Mede & Persian dual alliance.

The three Ribs in the mouth of the bear represent three nations that Persia had conquered.

  • Babylon
  • Egypt
  • Lydia

Persians had a great victory over these nations. History says that the Persian king Xerxes led a force of over 1.5 Million men and 300 ships into Greece alone.

Third Beast: Leopard with wings of a Bird

In Daniel 7:6, Daniel describes the third beast as a leopard with four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads and was given the authority to rule.

This third beast represents Alexander the Great as the Leopard.

  • Alexander traveled faster and conquered more land than any other man in all recorded history. He desired to rule the whole world
  • The beast had four heads which symbolized four generals who took over the kingdom after Alexander’s untimely death at the age of 32.

Fourth Beast: Terrifying & Diabolic one

In Daniel 7:7, Daniel describes the fourth beast but no particular name was given probably because it did not look similar to any one the animals that Daniel had known. All he understood was it was terrifying, frightening, and very powerful. This suggests that the fourth beast is diabolic. Daniel describes it as having large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left and it had ten horns.

The Fourth Beast represents the Roman Kingdom, which was the largest, strongest, most unified, and enduring of them all.

  • Romans were known to be power-hungry and would go to any extremes to retain power. There was a lot of bloodshed among the royals either to retain power or stake their claim to the throne.
  • Roman Empire can be called one of the bloodiest empires in all of history.

Although it seemed like a formidable kingdom, it eventually lost its power and dominance. It may seem like this kingdom ceased to exist, but in reality, it did not. I like Dr. HH Wilmington’s commentary on the fourth beast. He writes, “In AD 476 this monster “retired” to its den for a while to hibernate”. That’s an interesting perspective on the fourth kingdom. It is likely that in the end times, the Roman kingdom will rise again to power as a group of ten nations (Ten Horns – Daniel 7:7), which will usher in the rule of Anti-Christ.

The vision of these four kingdoms tells us something crucial that we may miss. i.e., the ultimate purpose of these four kingdoms is to bring Anti-Christ, a man of sin and lawlessness into this world.

The Rise of Anti-Christ

In Daniel 7:8, Daniel describes a little horn which came up among them and made great boasts and it uprooted the first three horns. Horn had the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

  1. Anti-Christ is called the man of Sin in 2 Thess 2:3,4 and the sea beast in Revelation 13:1

Revelation 13:1-10 gives us insight into this man.

  • Beast (Anti-Christ) resembled a leopard. (Rev. 13:2)
  • Had the feet of a bear. (Rev 13:2)
  • A mouth like that of a Lion (Rev 13:2)

Observe this, The Anti-Christ who will rise to power will be a combination of the Greecian, Persian, and Babylonian Kingdom. This means he will possess influence like Alexander the Great, experience great victories like the Persians, and speak boastfully like the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar. Anti-Christ will be empowered and given authority by the dragon (Satan). The whole world will be filled with wonder and follow the beast; worshipping the dragon and the beast. (Revelation 13:3-5)

In short, anti-Christ will be a combination of the four godless, treacherous and destructive kingdoms.

Daniel 7 describes Anti-Christ as follows:

  • Antichrist will defeat three of ten Kingdoms in his rise to power (Daniel 7:8)
  • He will have a universal rule during the tribulation (final 3.5 years) (Daniel 7:25)
  • He will shed blood like never before (Daniel 7:7,19,23)
  • He will wear out Israel. (Daniel 7:25 & Revelation 12:13)
  • He will attempt to change set times and laws (Daniel 7:25)
  • He will blaspheme God (Revelation 13:5,6)
  • He will be defeated at the coming of Christ and his body given over to the flames of hell (Daniel 7:11)

Though Anti-Christ will be a powerful ruler. He is no match for God. God will come down and overthrow him. Similar to how in Daniel 2:34, a rock from heaven smashes the statute of Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel 7:13 the son of Man, Jesus, will overthrow the rule and reign of Anti-Christ.

Jesus takes the throne

In Daniel 7:13, Daniel sees the vision of the son of man coming with the clouds of heaven and He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into this presence. If you remember, Jesus warned the High Priest during his trial, Mark 14:61–62, “I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” At these words, the High priests thought that Jesus was committing blasphemy but Jesus was speaking the truth, repeating what Daniel saw in the vision.

Here Jesus is given his rightful throne by the Father, who is called the Ancient of Days.

What does Ancient of Days mean?

The phrase used in (Daniel 7:9, 13, 22) to describe the everlasting God. The phrase, “Ancient of days” literally means “one advanced in (of) days” and may mean “one who forwards time or rules over it.”

When coupled with the figures of speech in the context of Daniel 7, “Ancient of Days” suggests age, antiquity, dignity, endurance, judgment, and wisdom. It clearly describes Yahweh, the God of Israel. (Hollman Illustrated Bible Dictionary)

David Predicts the throne that Jesus receives from the Father, (Psalm 2:6–9) Gabriel talks about the Jesus taking the throne (Luke 1:32)

Great White Throne judgment

In Daniel 7:10, Daniel sees a vision of in which there was a river of fire flowing, coming out from the throne where the Ancient of Days was seated. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.

  • “River of Fire” represents, “Stream of Judgement…”
    • Hebrews 12:29
    • Isa 66:15,16
    • 2 Thess 1:8

Millions of Angels stand and minister to the Ancient of days and his Son.

  • Also mentioned in
    • Revelation 5:11
    • Psalm 68:17
    • Heb 12:22

Hundreds of millions stood before him ready to be judged and the books were opened. (Daniel 7:10)

After the great white throne judgment, this river of fire will turn into a river of living water which will be a fountain of blessing for those who inherit heaven. (Revelation 22:1)

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