This is why you shouldn’t be alone

This is why you shouldn’t be alone

Listen to Audio Devotion

Genesis 2: 18. says like this, the Lord God said it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.

When we look at the Bible, the Bible clearly reminds us of God’s design for mankind. That is, man should not function all by himself. Often today, men set aside marriage till they can accomplish their financial goals. They’ve set aside marriage so that they can accomplish their career goals. But there is a problem with all this. He’s taking a step that he may feel like you know he’s gonna achieve something, but in reality, he’s walking towards a path of loneliness. Whatever we do, wherever we go, we must do it together cause we are not designed to be alone.

There are three reasons why we shouldn’t be alone,

It’s not God’s design for us.

Without a suitable helper, we will not be able to achieve our fullest potential. This is something that many in our generation are missing today. They think being married might keep them from accomplishing those goals, but in reality, God has designed marriage in such a way that you will be able to fulfill those goals in a much better, much faster way.


God’s design for you is that you have children and that you procreate. A psychologist said like this, that one of the best relationships that you’ll ever experience is the one that you’ll have with your child. When people set aside marriage and children for the sake of a career, they may see fulfillment in one area of their life, but they’ll never be able to see the kind of fulfillment that God desires for them.

Having children, and bonding with your son or daughter is the best relationship that you will ever experience. That is the peak of relationships. But when you set aside having children, when you limit yourself from procreating, What you’re doing is you’re stepping into a path of loneliness.

And I want to remind you this, that is not God’s design for you. And God desires that you be married.

Let’s pray.
Father in heaven, we thank you and we love you for who you are. You desire that we should not be alone. And so Lord, you’ve ordained a system, but often we fight the system. We go against what you’ve designed for us. Help us to be submissive. Help us to be obedient so that your name alone be glorified, that your purposes may be fulfilled on this earth. We thank you for everything, Lord. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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