This is why Consistency Matters

This is why Consistency Matters

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There are many reasons why consistency matters, but I want to highlight just one reason. That is, consistency keeps you motivated. At every stage of life, we will experience a period of laziness, feel demotivated or procrastinate on every task, and a way to break and overcome laziness is by being consistent.

There is no matter how you feel, you may wake up one morning and feel as if you can conquer the world. Another morning, you may feel like, there’s no point in working in this place because you’re not getting rewarded enough for what you do but no matter what you feel. You do the same things over and over and over again, and that’ll keep you motivated.

There’s also another challenge why we fail to be consistent, that is, we don’t feel like, we are rewarded enough for what we are doing.

But here’s what the Bible encourages us in

1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters stand firm, let nothing move. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

There are two things we are reminded in this passage.

The first one is,

  1. Let nothing move you.
    1. Lack of consistency can often begin at a point when you know someone has hurt us, they’ve spoken behind our back, and we may think, what is the point of working so hard? if this is how people treat you? That can destroy our consistency. But the Bible reminds us, let nothing move you. Don’t be affected by anything.

  2. You’ll always be rewarded for what you do.
    1. Your boss may not be fair, but your heavenly father sees you, and whatever you are doing, he will reward you, and that reward will be the greatest blessing of your life.
    2. People may change, your bosses may, you know, reduce our salaries or do something, or that’ll cause us a great financial constraint. But remember this. That more than anybody, God is your provider. God will reward you.

So, do not give up, but be consistent because the more consistent you are, the more motivated you’ll be, and the more motivated you are, you will be able to overcome laziness or any procrastination.

And finally, remember this, your reward comes from the Lord.

Let’s pray.

Lord, help us to be consistent as we begin our day today. Help us to be faithful in our work and help us never give up. Even though we may not receive the right reward for our work. We know that you will truly reward us and that you will take care of all our needs. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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