They tried to destroy

They tried to destroy

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Elijah, the great prophet comes face to face with a situation after he destroyed the prophet of Baal on Mount Carmel.

He faces threats from Jezebel, Queen of Israel. She promised to destroy him. When Elijah heard that she would kill him, he runs for his life. He goes as far as he can to escape but this is what happens later.

1 Kings 19:15 NIV

The Lord said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram.

God speaks to Elijah and instructs him to go back the way he came. Think of that for a second…this man had escaped but God instructs him to go back.

There’s a reason why God sent him. God knows that the enemy can try but cannot succeed. Although the threat came from a very powerful woman God is still able to protect his servant.

This reminds us that in our challenges, we may be threatened but cannot be destroyed. Because our God is able to protect, he will fight our battles and give us victory!

So, they may try to destroy..but they failed because God stood by our side.

Let’s pray

Lord, Just as your word says, “Overwhelming Victory is our in Christ Jesus.” We believe we will experience victory even when we are threatened. We will be protected and sustained because of you. Lord, Help us to remember this truth as we begin this day! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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