The Need for Compassion

The Need for Compassion

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1 Thessalonians 5:15
Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.

I assume you have heard about the crabs put in a bucket. When the fishermen catch crabs, apparently they put it in a bucket and don’t put a lid on it. That’s because whenever a crab tries to climb out of the bucket, the other crabs pull on the crab that is climbing. This way none of them get out.

The situation of the crabs shows us how important it is to put the interests of a neighbor before our own interests. It’s so easy for us to criticize, and point out the smallest of mistakes, but really tough for us to build someone up.

When Paul wrote to the Thessalonian Christians, he was aware of the importance of uplifting, mutually beneficial relationships. He advised them to “be patient with everyone,” “encourage the discouraged, help the weak,” and “warn those who are idle and disruptive” (1 Thes. 5:14). Paul praised their compassionate neighborhood (v. 11) and encouraged them to develop even more enduring and peaceful relationships (vv. 13–15). Their relationships with God and other people would be strengthened by working to establish a culture of forgiveness, kindness, and compassion (vv. 15, 23).

But then again there’s a big difference between flattery and encouragement. One aims to please man and the other aims to please God.

Through this kind of devoted unity, the church can expand and bear witness to Christ. Our communities prosper when Christians commit to lifting others up rather than tearing them down through their words or deeds. Let’s reflect on it. How have you shown compassion to the people around you? Have you received any from the believers around you? Also reflecting on what we learned yesterday, do you see the necessity to change yourself in this aspect?

Let’s ask God.
Heavenly Father, we ask you that you show us the ways we have fallen short to help, encourage and uplift the people around us. We want to start a new ministry of encouragement in our lives. Even when we don’t see the necessity, you prompt us to help and uplift those who need that push. Also, keep us from pulling people down. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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