The Cross, Hope of Eternity

The Cross, Hope of Eternity

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We have been looking at the cross as a sign of hope. We said the cross is a sign of acceptance, a hope of acceptance, a hope of bonding, a hope of cleansing, a hope of deliverance. And today you’re going to look at it as the hope of eternity. In John 11:25, God’s word reads like this. Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life.

He who believes in me. Though he may die, he shall live. There are various scripture references that give us the hope of eternity because we know Jesus. In 1 John 5:11-13, God’s word clearly records and says He who has a son, has a life. People around the world are afraid to die. Why?

Because they do not know what happens after their death. But those who know Jesus Christ, we know that because Jesus lives, we will also live In John chapter three, verse 16, the word of God says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that everyone who believes in. Should not perish, but have eternal life.

The very purpose of Jesus coming, the very purpose of him dying on the cross is to open the gates for us to enter into eternity. All that we need to do is to just trust in him, invite him, and involve him, and obey him, and live the kind of life he has called us to live. Then we can live with the hope of eternity.

A little boy was lost in a town. And when a stranger met him and asked him, how can I help you to get home? The boy said, take me to the cross. And from there, I know how to go home. What a reply that came from that little boy. Even today, if anybody would turn to the cross, wherever they are lost, they will find eternity because the cross is a way to eternal.

Why should we miss out on this great opportunity that Christ has for us? He does not want us to die without hope. But when we look at the cross, when we believe in the Lord of the cross, the resurrected Lord, we can die with eternal hope because he lives I will also live.

Can we thank Jesus for what he has done for us?

Lord, we are so grateful for these devotions. The cross is a sign of hope for all who believe in you. I thank you that today you reminded us. That we don’t have to only live with hope. We can also die with hope. Because you live you overcame death. We will also overcome death is not final for those who have placed their trust in you.

Thank you, Lord. Just as David said, we can also confess and I will live in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Give us that great honor as we continue to trust in you, in Jesus’ precious name we pray, amen.

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