Sin is fun Until…

Sin is fun Until…

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Yesterday I shared with you about how the enemy deceives and how he makes us disobey by saying, “Did God really say?” With those words, he destroyed the lives of Adam and Eve, they were living in a paradise, in the garden, and with those words, he convinced them that. Maybe It’s not that bad. Maybe they can just try it once. Maybe you’re not really disobeying God with those words. You know that statement is a very powerful statement, “Did God really say? It’s a powerful statement, but it can bring a big disaster in your life.

So we see the life of Eve. There are two things that happened before she committed that sin. First, the thought was planted. Did God really say? Second, she was promised something greater than what she had.

If you read Genesis 3:4-5 You will not certainly die. The serpent said to the woman, for God knows that when you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil.

So first she was convinced that maybe God didn’t really say. Adam could have made it up. And by doing this, she’s not really going to disobey God. Because God didn’t really say, Second, she was promised that she would receive something greater and better.

Sin always comes with a promise of something greater, a greater pleasure, a greater excitement, a promise that by doing this you will feel more fulfilled, but sin is as empty as a dry well.

So often people give into that deception, fall into it, and for the first few moments, it’ll always seem wonderful and fun until you reap its rewards. So I imagine this way, in the case of Eve, when she consumed that fruit, that forbidden fruit, nothing would’ve happened for a while, but eventually, she would’ve experienced its effects. So sin is fun until you reap its rewards. The Bible says like this, that the wages of sin is death. The reward of sin is death. But God didn’t want you to die in your sin. So he sent us son Jesus so that he can pay the price for your sin. He died on the cross for us and he rose up again promising us a new life.

If you’re struggling with something today that you feel like it can never be taken from you because you have gone too far into it, I want you to remember that God has the power to change you. He can forgive you. He can restore you. No matter how difficult your past may look today, no matter what you are doing right now, if you go to him and say, Jesus, I’m sorry for what I’m doing.

I want you to be the master of my life, not sin, but you. When you make that prayer, you will receive the power to escape, to run away from that sin.

Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, we thank you because you are the God who loved us so much that you sent your son Jesus, for us to die, to pay the price for our sins. And Lord, help us to live in this new life. Help us not to be carried away by the words of the enemy or with false promises. But Lord, help us to hold onto you. Help us to embrace you in our life every day so that we will live a life that is pure and pleasing to you so that we may escape the traps and the words of the enemy. We thank you, Jesus, for all that you’re doing in your sweet and wonderful name we pray. Amen.

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