Persecution precedes Resurrection

Persecution precedes Resurrection

John 16:33
“In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Living Like Jesus

In life, we want all benefits of the Christian faith except persecution, we desire the life Jesus lived but forget that we also have to go through everything Jesus went through.

My Story

When I was new to the journey with Christ, I thought there won’t be tough or rough times. It was a pretty good imagination but never came true because it is not the reality. You only realize how tough life is once you experience its challenges firsthand.

There will be a point where you have to accept the bitter truth that tough times will eventually come, and in those times you may lose sight of the one who is with you in the boat like the disciples did. But when you realize that God is with you in the storms, you can smile at the storm because the storm may be scary but it has to obey the word of the Lord Almighty.

Persecution comes before Resurrection

God wants to build you through the storms that come your way. One such kind of storm is persecution. Persecution is an event that comes into your life uninvited and leaves you in great pain and agony. Persecution is designed in such a way that it brings you a reward for enduring it and also brings glory to God for his faithfulness towards you in the midst of the storm.

Jesus went through a lot of physical, mental, and emotional persecution but that didn’t stop him from doing the will of God because He knew that persecution comes before resurrection. So when we are persecuted by anyone let us remember that resurrection is awaiting us. We are called to carry the cross so let us not put it down but hold on to it even stronger than before.

Don’t give up

Don’t give up in your bad times just because it is tough, the persecution you experience will eventually lead you to resurrection only if you can endure with prayer and patience.

Resurrection is a reward that is on the other side of the suffering. The Bible says

2 Timothy 2;11-12
if we endure, we will also reign with him”

So, let us endure with him in persecution so that we may reign with him in the blessings in the world to come. Remember this, the Christian life is not the absence of problems but having peace in the midst of the problems.

Ever Wondered why people are rude?

Sometimes we wonder why people are so rude to us; the boss who was rude and looked down because of our faith; the friend who responds very rude every time when we talk, just because you believe Jesus; the neighbor who walks arrogantly when he sees you and hates you for no reason; the elder who blamed you even when you did right in the eyes of God, the reason might be anything.

The purpose behind every suffering

We will be persecuted by people who are near and around us emotionally, mentally, and physically but have you ever realized that God has a purpose behind the persecution, and perhaps God may be the one who is hardening their heart towards you?

Scripture says to Pharaoh:

Romans 9:17-18
“I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

Therefore, God has mercy and hardens whom he wants to harden. It was God who hardened the heart of Pharaoh to display his glory by delivering to the people of Israel.

The reason why God is hardening their hearts towards you is so that his name will be glorified when he delivers you and he will bless you in return just as the Israelites. When Israelites finally left Egypt they filled their pockets with gold.

So when God has a purpose behind your persecution, you better endure it because if you deny you are missing the blessings that are coming along with it.

You will be able to Endure

Jesus endured the persecution and is now seated at the right hand of the father; David was persecuted by his son Absalom for a while and God gave him a stronger comeback as a king; Daniel was persecuted and was put into the lion’s den and suffered no harm; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were put into the fire and they could witness the fourth person (Jesus) along with them; Joseph was persecuted by his brothers but God blessed him and gave him the position as the prime minister of Egypt. The Lord who delivered them out of persecution and rewarded their faith will reward you as you endure with God because He is the same yesterday today, and forever for He is an ever-living and never dying God and he loves you so much and He will deliver you if you can take refuge in him alone.

With God’s help you will be able to endure because the bible says you are not a victim of the situations where you are but are more than a conqueror, don’t you dare to give up because of the opposition you face and boldly declare your faith in face of the adversity. Remember, Greater is the one who is living inside than the opposition you are facing. You will survive the storm and still smile because the God who delivered the Israelite will also deliver you and reward you for holding onto the faith that you have in him.

Here are a few ways for us to endure persecution

  1. Prayer

Prayer gives us the strength to face the sufferings that are ahead of us, if we fail to pray, we will give up and fail to endure.

Matthew 5:43-48.
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven

  1. Allow God to comfort you with his word

Give room to the word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to minister to you, if not we will be carried away with the words of others and our own feelings and we end up bitter

2 Corinthians 1:5
For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.

Psalms 119:50
My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life

  1. Forgive them just like Jesus and leave room for God’s vengeance.

Jesus forgave those who persecuted him because unforgiveness stops us from having blessings and instead keeps us occupied with bitterness.

Romans 12:19-21

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

  1. Watch over your character

True character comes out from our words and actions when we are hurt and we all need the help of the Holy Spirit to be persecuted and still remain faithful like Jesus.

Revelation 2:10
Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.

Thank You for reading hope you are encouraged by the word that God has put in my heart and I pray that God helps you to endure the persecution with Him and enjoy the resurrection too. Remember, there is no crown without the cross. May God bless you.


Romans 8:18
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

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