Nothing Else Matters

He is Risen. Picture of Jesus' Tomb.
He is Risen. Picture of Jesus' Tomb.

Nothing Else Matters

Listen to Audio Devotion

1 Corinthians 15:14
And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.

We’re still in a sort of hangover from Easter this morning. It’s one of the two main festivals that we celebrate. One involves the birth of Jesus and the other involves the death and resurrection of Jesus. Now, we need to keep in mind that we don’t just say that Jesus died for my sins, but He also rose again. He is living. Even today, we have an empty tomb in Israel, and nothing can change that.

There’s more to it than a status on WhatsApp saying “He is risen”. Jesus has actually risen, has ascended to heaven, and continually intercedes for us, sitting at the right hand of the Father. There’s a highly regarded Yale University Professor namely Jaroslav Pelikan who said these words to one of his students at his deathbed, “If Christ is risen, nothing else matters. And if Christ is not—nothing else matters.” I sometimes wonder what I would say at my deathbed (if I get to be in one before I die), or what would I want on my tombstone. I have many things in mind, but nothing vain. And so are these words by Professor Pelikan that nothing else matters. He is basically echoing what Paul said to the church at Corinth 2000 years ago – if Christ hasn’t been raised… our faith is useless. But why? Is it because it would become an unfulfilled prophecy or a failed attempt to do a miracle? No.

When Jesus rose from the dead, he declared that the other dead and ruined things (lives, neighborhoods, relationships) would also one day be brought back to life through Him. He has conquered death and now reigns as Lord of all. But if there is no resurrection, then death and destruction win. And that would be the chief end of man – death and destruction.

But we know, “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead” (1 Cor.15:20). He is the Lord of all. I mean, how is it to have the One who has authority over everything, even death, by your side. He is risen.

Let’s Pray

Lord, help me to see how my faith hinges on your resurrection. I know that I’m victorious in you. Give me the strength I need to face this week. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

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