Not to us, but to you belong glory

Not to us, but to you belong glory

Audio Devotion will be uploaded soon.

Psalm 115:1 (NLT)
Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.

If we are able to do something, it’s not because of us, it’s because of God, and so the glory and honor belong to him alone.

But some might ask, is it wrong to receive appreciation and praise from people? No, it’s not wrong. It’s totally fine to receive words of appreciation and praise from people. But when we start living for the praise and appreciation of people… so much so that if we don’t receive praise, we become disappointed..then that is a problem. It’s a problem, you have become your own god.

The Bible calls us to live where we live for the glory of God. If God calls us to do something, we must obey because it is for his glory alone.

A couple of months ago, God gave us the guidance to move out of the current church space and take up a bigger space for the church. At first, I was very hesitant, because we were quite comfortable in the place that we are in right now but I prayed and sought the Lord for strength to do his will but at the same time I was troubled. I heard a preacher say, “We must expand for the sake of God’s glory” and he quoted this verse from Psalm 115:1. That spoke powerfully, so we took the first step to move and now we are in the stage of moving into a new facility soon. I often remind myself, if I am able to do something it’s all because of God, and if God calls me to take a step of faith then it’s for his glory, not mine.

In conclusion, there’s only one way to live life, “Not to us, O Lord, but to your name goes all the glory”

Let’s Pray

Lord, help us live in a way where our life is all about your name, and your glory. It’s not about us, but you. May you increase and we decrease. In Jesus’ name.

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