Never Insult your Spouse

Never Insult your Spouse

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Arguments and fights are common in marriage because marriage is a place where the husband and wife will express their raw emotions. However, even in those expressions of anger or frustration, there is ONE THING that SHOULD Never be done.

that is. Never Speak in an insulting manner.

Let’s define Insult:

Insult means to speak or act in an offensive manner towards someone, usually with the intention of hurting or offending them. It can involve using disrespectful language, making negative remarks or gestures, or belittling someone’s worth or abilities.

Here’s what happens when you insult them:

  1. Undermines their self-worth
  2. Tells them they are not capable of anything.

In short, when you insult your spouse, you are actually destroying them as a person.

Today, many couples separate and end up in divorce because either one or both insult each other.

Marriage is hard, it is not easy by any means, and insulting a partner will only make things worse.

There’s one simple thing you can do that will keep a marriage healthy, that is, RESPECT each other.

Understand, that even though you and I can show our anger and frustration but we cannot cross the line because the person we are showing our anger to also has feelings and can get hurt.

The Bible reminds in

Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

When you are hurt by your spouse; don’t insult but Forgive

When you are disappointed don’t speak in a way that destroys their self-worth and who they are as a person but remain silent because by insulting nothing gets better.

Finally, insult has an impact on children. A man who insults his wife will also insult his children, eventually the children will carry on the same habit toward their friends and future life partner. It’s a cycle that never ends but continues to destroy others.

Let us learn to never insult, but speak respectfully to each other.

Let’s Pray

Lord help us to be Loving, forgiving, and respectful towards our spouse. There are so many times we speak words carelessly. Forgive us Lord and help us to better. In Jesus name.

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