Looking up

Looking up

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Hebrews 12:1–2 (ESV): Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

When I was a kid, I used to look up to a lot of people whom I referred to as heroes. A few included my dad, Hrithik Roshan, John Cena, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the like. Some were fictional characters like the transformer Optimus Prime and Goku. I started identifying with their beliefs, their actions, their behavior, their goals, and their morality, and I slowly started to find my identity in them.

As we age, our heroes may change, but they never cease to exist. If you were to visit my home today, you would quickly notice who my current heroes are. They can be primarily found in the books that I invest in, my YouTube subscriptions, and recommendations. My library is loaded with John Piper, John MacArthur, Paul David Tripp, Tim Keller, A. W. Tozer, and many other men of God whose lives have been shaped by biblical truth. When looking at practical examples of heroes with whom I’ve had a chance to speak and learn, I’ll point to my pastors who have shepherded me in all my ways.

Isn’t it interesting? We all need role models and leaders who inspire. We all need real people made of flesh and blood, who embody qualities and traits that we admire. Through our admiration and inspiration, we seek to imitate them, trying to incorporate their character in ours. God and my friends know that I can never truly be like my heroes and their achievements. However, I can strive to imitate their courage when facing the challenges of life. Their examples provide me with strength.

Hebrews 11, consists of heroes and heroines, popularly referred to as the hall of fame of faith or what the author of Hebrews refers to as the “cloud of witnesses”. These are real individuals with flaws and imperfections, whose lives are presented to us in the Bible. Their stories are laid down for us to see their victory in faith, including their failures. Even the life of Rahab, a prostitute, offers something praiseworthy, something worth imitating.

Though we have all these examples in men and women who have walked the earth, nobody can satisfy us like the hero who walked the earth living a perfect life – our Lord Jesus. We can safely imitate Jesus knowing that every word He uttered and every action of His was perfect, without any fault.

Let’s pray

Father, no matter how much we grow we know that we can always look up to you and run this race. We thank You for the living witnesses that You have provided in our lives. Help us to become living witnesses to those who do not know you and to those struggling in their faith. We ask this in the name of your perfect Son. Amen.

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