Jesus is Enough

Jesus is Enough

Listen to Audio Devotion

Matthew 14:20

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

The only other miracle recorded in all four Gospels, besides the resurrection of Jesus is His feeding of thousands of people. This miracle is not only significant for the scope of the miracle but also because it highlights another unique quality of Jesus—His all-sufficiency.

After blessing the two fish and five loaves, he gave them to the disciples to distribute. Jesus was feeding about 25 thousand people, women and children included, and His disciples kept coming back to Him until everyone was “satisfied” (Matt. 14:20). However, Jesus went a step further and made enough for each disciple to have a basket of leftovers. This miracle demonstrated the superabundant sufficiency of our Shepherd in giving more than enough to provide for His sheep.

In Colossians 1, the Apostle Paul offers four arguments for why Jesus is our all-sufficient Shepherd. Firstly, Jesus is enough because He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation (Col.1:15,19). Jesus is not just a common man from a common background; he is the Word made flesh—God among us. Jesus is sufficient from beginning to end because He is eternal.

Secondly, Jesus is enough because all things, both in heaven and on earth, were created by Him (Col. 1:16). Because Jesus is the Creator of everything, He has a limitless supply of resources. He made everything for our benefit and His glory, including every form of provision that we can imagine. Hence, we need not be anxious if our pockets and baskets are empty.

Thirdly, Jesus is enough Shepherd because He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together (Col. 1:17) He has authority over everything in a sovereign manner. Nothing in the universe is beyond Jesus’ sovereign power and control.

Fourthly, Jesus is enough because He assures that He will “make perfect” all believers (Col. 1:28). The same Jesus who cleanses you from sin, grants you eternal life, and justifies you by faith will also make you whole in Himself and carry you all the way to glory.

We often make the mistake of thinking we are self-sufficient. It’s so not true. This is a mistake driven by a sense of pride. Unlike us, Jesus is always more than capable of handling any challenge. He took a child’s lunch and fed thousands. We can experience a life of joy if we completely rely on Him.

Let’s Pray

Lord Jesus, we know that you are more than capable of helping us gain victory over the challenges we face each day. You are our all-sufficient savior. You are our El-Shaddai. Help us, Lord. We pray for this in your name. Amen.

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