I shouldn’t have gotten angry

I shouldn’t have gotten angry

Listen to Audio Devotion

“I shouldn’t have gotten angry! I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

I am sure, this thought has crossed our mind whenever we lose our temper and say or do things we were not supposed to do.

The Bible reminds us in
Ephesians 4:26 (NIV)
‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”

Getting angry is not a Sin, but what we do in our Anger can become a SIN. In our Anger, if we let our emotions run wild, we will always regret what we have done.

There have been a few incidents in my life where I felt I should have controlled myself but didn’t later I was filled with regret. Arguing and stating your points is easy, and doing so can make you feel better. You may feel as if the weight has been lifted off your shoulder however, you will be filled with regret and perhaps lose the relationship you had.

The Bible encourages us, “In Your Anger, Do not Sin”


How can we avoid this situation? How can learn to deal in a better way?


  • Be Slow to become angry
    • The Bible encourages in James 1:19.
    • Even if it’s a situation that could make you really angry. Don’t get angry immediately.
    • Because people who get angry immediately…Lose control over themselves.
    • Be slow to anger


  • When you are angry, do not talk immediately. Give it some time, Ponder over what happened, and then speak.
    • Don’t respond immediately. If you do, it will always be disastrous.


  • Remember this, by responding in your anger, most likely, nothing will change.
    • The Bible says this, James 1:20 (NIV)
      • “because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”
      • Even the best of our anger cannot change anything for the better. If you think about it 98% of the time there is no point or purpose in getting angry!
      • It just makes things worse.

I am going to leave with these three thoughts, I pray that we will be able to control our anger and the way we speak so that we don’t regret later saying, “I shouldn’t have gotten angry”

Let’s Pray

Lord, we do not want anger to be the master of us. Instead, we want you to be our master. We pray for your help in this. In Jesus’ name.

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