How can I gain Hope?

How can I gain Hope?

How can I gain hope? This is a question that many have when they feel hopeless. How can I hope? How can I gain hope in God?

There’s an answer to this question

Romans 15:13 NIV
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Observe that, “So that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit.”

Here’s how you can gain hope.

Step #1: Trust in God
Step #2: Trust in God
Step #3 (I hope you are paying attention) Here the third point,

i.e., Trust in God.

Hope you are getting the point here. I said just to emphasize how important it is to trust in God. Because that’s where we fail quite often…we fail in the area of trust and so, that’s why feel hopeless, helpless, no joy, no peace, you don’t even know the last time you were genuinely happy! Your life may be a total mess. You may wonder how can I fix my life ?!

There’s a simple fix. Very simple one.

Trust in God; put your trust in God. Trust in him for the smallest to the greatest. He will take care.

The result of trusting God is this.

  1. Filled with Joy, and peace.
  2. OVERFLOW with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I love that line, “overflow with Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Maybe you are overflowing with worries today!

Maybe you are overflowing with anxiety and stress today!

I believe God wants to change your life. He wants to make you feel hopeful again.

Here’s what you should do, “Trust in Him”

Let’s Pray

Lord, remind us today in the midst of a hopeless situation that we should trust in you because trusting in you is the way to become hopeful. Help us to put this word into practice. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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