God will sustain

God will sustain

Listen to Audio Devotion

Good morning, welcome to a brand new day.

Psalm 3:5
I lie down and sleep I wake again because the Lord sustains me

Here we see that David acknowledges God for his protection in times of adversity To sustain something means to give it strength, protection, encouragement, and comfort God is described as the one who sustains all things in Hebrews 3:5

God’s sustainment cannot be compared to the human power to sustain. Our strength will eventually fail us, and God is the only one who can give us the strength to endure. Humans are finite, meaning we only have so much strength and energy on our own. God is without limits. He is infinite. That means His strength is also without end.

In times of weariness and through difficult times, God sustains us. Dear people of God, we must know that we are the apple of God’s eye and He watches over us. We may try to gain strength from the things of this world, but these things will always disappoint and leave us emptier and wearier than we started.

Nothing created can sustain itself. Only the Creator can do that. In Colossians chapter 1 verse 17, we see that in Christ all things hold together. When we feel we are falling apart or have nothing left to give, we must turn to the only source of unending sustaining strength. God is the sustainer, and he wants us to come to him for help.

Not only does God sustain us as individuals in times of distress, but he also sustains all the things in the universe. The physical laws that hold matter together. Keep planets in their position and bind people to the earth are all sustained in and through Jesus. The same God who keeps the planets aligned also holds you in his hands.

And his word says I have engraved you in the palm of my hands. When life is too much for you to take on by yourself, trust in the Lord. We are part of his creation. Which means God only knows exactly how to hold us together. So, dear people of God, I want to leave you with this. Do not rely or depend on the things of this world, but put your trust in God, for He alone sustains you.

May God bless you. Have a wonderful day.

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