God desires to have a relationship with you

God desires to have a relationship with you

Listen to Audio Devotion

Genesis 5:22 NIV

22 After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters.

Enoch walked faithfully with God. This phrase, means, he pleased God.

After the fall and because of the curse, life turned into a hopeless & painful one. It seemed like the fellowship that once Adam & Eve enjoyed with God in the Garden was no longer possible. Probably, they may have felt like God had abandoned the Humans that he created. But as we read about Enoch’s Life, we see that this man walked with God, which means, he lived in a way that pleased God.

This reminds us of a couple of things:

  1. God Desires to have a relationship with the Humans he created
  2. Even though our sins are many, He will not abandon us
  3. Even though we may turn against him, He will not reject us.

Because his Love for us extends and goes beyond what we could imagine.

There are times in our life, due to circumstances we may feel like God is far away from us. Sometimes, you may even feel as if God has abandoned you or rejected you because of the sins you have committed.

Know this, Even though sin displeases God, He still loves you. He cares about you. He desires to have a relationship with you. All you got to do is simply, Ask for forgiveness and he will restore you once again.

Let’s Pray

Lord, today we are reminded that you are the God who desires to have a relationship with us. We may fail, we may fall but your love for us stays the same. Thank you for who you are. We Love you, in Jesus’ name.

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