Don’t magnify other’s sin.

Don’t magnify other’s sin.

It is human nature to point out others’ faults; talk about their mistakes and get into the depths of analyzing every little thing they have done. it is human nature to magnify others’ mistakes.

But what does the Bible say?

Matthew 7:3 (NIV)
And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? –

Here’s the thing:
We see others’ sin’s through a magnifying glass when we ourselves have a big black hole in our life.

The Bible says, don’t do that. Don’t Magnify others’ sins.

The reality is, the more we magnify the more likely we might end up doing the same, plus, we are called to help those who are failing, the weak and sinners instead of talking about what they did.

We are to pray, and help those who are failing in their lives.

So, how are we doing today? Are we magnifying others’ sins or are we praying for their salvation? Bible encourages us to do the latter.

Let’s pray

Father, Help us so that we will not magnify others’ sins but rather pray for them so that can find salvation in you. Help so that we may help others who are weak. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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