Don’t let anyone manipulate you

Don’t let anyone manipulate you

Listen to Audio Devotion

As Christians, we often have this attitude of being kind to others… Now some take this too far… they are not just kind but naive.

What does that mean?

People who are kind and naive can be easily manipulated by anyone. Because such people, help others out of the kindness of their hearts and they end up believing the lies and the manipulation.

Some may argue, it’s okay…even if someone manipulates you. They argue saying, it’s all for the glory of God.!

I have been in ministry circles all my life and I have witnessed manipulation from Pastors and so-called Church leaders. Some might argue saying it’s okay… you are serving God’s kingdom and etc., etc.,

But if you read the Bible about the character and nature of God. Our God doesn’t manipulate. He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t use words with double meanings or coercive words to get the work done.

People who manipulate are doing what Satan does best. Satan has been a liar and manipulator since the beginning. He manipulated the words that God spoke and deceived Eve and made her fall into Sin.

Remember this, a Person who manipulates, whether it’s a pastor or anyone is always building his Kingdom for his personal glory and not for the glory of God. Supporting such people will also lead us away from God.

So stop being naive and don’t let anyone manipulate you.

Jesus tells to his disciples.

Matthew 10:16 NIV
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

About the being naive

Proverbs 14:15 NIV
The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.

Being Naive is the worst thing you can be as a Christian.

About Manipulators

Romans 16:18 NIV
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

So, there’s a clear warning against being naive and also associating with people who are manipulative.

Here’s what I encourage you

Be Kind but don’t let people use you

Be Kind but don’t let people take advantage of you

Be Kind but don’t let anyone manipulate you.

Let’s Pray

Father, help us not to be manipulated and help us to not be naive. In Jesus’ name.

About the Author

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