Don’t be impulsive

Don’t be impulsive

Listen to Audio Devotion

Proverbs 14:29 NIV
Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.

A quick-tempered person can also be called an impulsive person.

An impulsive person functions completely based on what they feel at that moment. If they feel like doing something good they will, and if they feel like doing something bad they will do it without a second thought. The Bible says, such a person displays foolishness.

Yesterday, I watched a Documentary called “Convicting a Murderer” This is the story of a man who is behind bars for some criminal charges. He claims to be innocent but he is not. Netflix has made a documentary called “Making a Murderer” which shows this man to be very innocent. But in reality, this man had a long history of abuse. He would abuse people and abuse animals. If you look at the reason why he did is because he was very impulsive. The thing about impulsive people is that they do something really bad and later do everything possible, or speak every possible lie to cover it up. So journalists found out that this man isn’t innocent in any way. He lived life so impulsively & recklessly that he had committed various crimes.

Impulsiveness and out-of-control behavior can lead to a very destructive path.

How can we overcome impulsiveness?

  1. Make Jesus the LORD of your Life. When you do, your thoughts will not be your master but Jesus will be.
  2. Learn the discipline of thinking carefully and talking to others before doing anything.
  3. Anytime you feel the pressure to do something…don’t give into that. It’s an impulsive thought that’s trying to control you.

If there’s any impulsiveness in you, ask the LORD to help you overcome it.

Let’s Pray.

Lord, let us be like the wise who think through various decisions and carefully analyze every thought. Discipline our thoughts and discipline our actions. In Jesus’ Name.

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