Does God Exist?

Does God Exist?

The English word “Apology” comes from the Greek word which means “to give a defence”. So you can define Christian Apologetics as the “science of giving a defence of the Christian Faith”

There are many skeptics in our world today who question the existence of God and even attack the belief in God of the Bible. Many preach false doctrine. Some say Jesus was not God at all.  Imagine if Jesus was not God, then all that we believed would be in vain.

Some talk about how the bible has mistakes and errors and is not fully inspired.

The Main focus of Apologetics is to combat these moments and defend God and the Biblical Truths.

  1. Does God exist?
  2. Where did God come from, and
  3. Many other questions you might have come across

Apologetics is one of the most important subjects in College and also one of the toughest subjects to study. People who usually study Apologetics, like Ravi Zacharias, will usually have a background in Philosophy. Studying Apologetics opens your mind and prepares you to answer a question regarding your faith.

I recently had a conversation with a Pastor, and he mentioned that the Bible has many Contradictions. I was a bit taken aback but didn’t respond much. It’s true that some passages can appear contradictory at first glance. However, with deeper study—using tools like commentaries and dictionaries—we often discover that these passages aren’t contradictions at all. Instead, they reveal a deeper harmony and provide answers to our questions when approached thoughtfully.

One of the key verses for Apologetics is 1 Peter 3:15 NIV

Two things to consider:

  1. How do we answer questions regarding our faith when they arise?
  2. How can we reach out to anyone who questions the existence of God and bring them to the Lord?

Before that, let’s answer if God exists.

Does God exist?

Most of your answer must be YES. If it’s a YES, then how would you say God exists to a Non-Christian or a Non-Believer?

You cannot prove nor can you disprove the existence of God.

When I say you cannot Prove:

I mean, you cannot bring somebody and show God visually, nor can you bring them to a point where you say, Open your eyes and see God.

The Bible requires us to believe that He exists by faith. Hebrews 11:6 NIV

No one has seen God.

Has anybody seen God? But we believe by faith that he exists. If God wanted, he could come appear, and the whole world will believe him. So, if God did that, there would be no need for faith. John 20:29 NIV

However, on the other hand, there is plenty of evidence to answer the question that God exist. There is no doubt about his existence. Just because you cannot show it visually doesn’t mean that he does not exist. The reason we can’t prove existence by proof or logic is that he lives outside of the universe. How can you prove the existence of a great being in this universe? Can you find footprints or any other signs to prove the existence of God? If God exists, he will live outside of the universe even if they tried to prove God’s existence that way. That would be a wrong approach. If God exists, he is non-material and transcendent.

When we look at the creation, the creation by themselves proves that there is an intelligent creator who has created the whole universe together. When we look at the night sky, we see stars. Every star, every heavenly body, is created, designed and organised beautifully. The Very fact that the sun rises early in the east and sets in the west is evidence of God’s work. The moon appears in the night sky to show the smaller light in the universe. When we look at our universe, there is a display of intelligent design and order. That by itself is an evidence that God exists.

The Atheism teaches that we all came out of a big bang or an explosion that happened 20 Billion Years ago. In other words, they teach that we all came out of a big explosion and that we evolved into who we are over millions of years ago. Frank Turek said, “It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist to believe that there was no God behind anything and that it was just an explosion that happened.”

It takes a lot of faith to believe atheistic ideas than to believe the truth about God based on the bible.

Evidence that God exists

1. Astronomical Evidence:

Psalm 19:1–4 NIV


  1. A Typical galaxy contains billions of individual stars; our galaxy alone (the Milky Way) contains 200 Billion stars. Our galaxy is shaped like a giant spiral, rotating in space, with arms reaching out like a pinwheel, and our sun is one star on one arm of the pinwheel. It would take 250 million years for the pinwheel to make a full rotation. But this is just our galaxy. There are so many other galaxies with many other shapes; some are spirals, spherical clusters and flat pancakes. This is important because the average distance between one galaxy and another is about 20 million trillion miles. Our closest galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy, about 12 million trillion miles away.
  2. For every patch of sky the size of the moon, if you could look very deep, you would see about a million galaxies*.*

As we observe God’s creation, everything is just right. There is nothing too much, nor is it too little.

  1. The universe has a just-right gravitational force.
  • If it were larger, the stars would be too hot and would burn up too quickly and unevenly to support life.
  • If it were smaller, the stars would remain so cool that nuclear fusion would never ignite, resulting in no heat or light.

Our sun is also a star. If the gravitational force was more than what it is right now, the Earth would be too hot and very uncomfortable to support life on Earth.

*The gravitational force is a force that attracts any two objects with mass. We call the gravitational force attractive because it always tries to pull masses together, it never pushes them apart. Every object, including you, is pulling on every other object in the entire universe! This is called Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation.

ii) The universe has a just-right speed of light.

  • If it were larger, stars would send out too much light.
  • If it were smaller, stars would not send out enough light. It takes 8 minutes and 17 seconds for the sunlight to reach the earth.

iii) The universe has a just-right average distance between the stars.

  • If it were larger, the heavy element density would be too thin for rocky planets to form, and there would only be gaseous planets.
  • If it were smaller, planetary orbits would become destabilised because of the gravitational pull from other stars.

There are many more evidences with which you can conclude that the universe could not create itself. It had to have an intelligent designer, a creator and who, when he spoke, everything came to be just in the right proportion. Nothing too small, nothing too big. We could conclude that there is no chance that such a universe could create itself apart from an intelligent designer.

2. Evidence OF GOD in our Hearts.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

Deep within us is the recognition that there is something beyond this life and someone beyond this world. We can deny this knowledge intellectually, but God’s presence in us and all around us is still obvious. Despite this, the Bible warns that some will still deny God’s existence: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1 NIV). Since the vast majority of people throughout history, in all cultures, in all civilisations, and on all continents, believe in the existence of some kind of God, there must be something (or someone) causing this belief.

In addition to the Biblical argument:

3. Ontological Argument

In addition to the biblical arguments for God’s existence, there are logical arguments. First, there is the ontological argument. The most popular form of the ontological argument uses the concept of God to prove God’s existence. It begins with the definition of God as “a being than which no greater can be conceived.” It is then argued that to exist is greater than to not exist, and therefore, the greatest conceivable being must exist. If God did not exist, then God would not be the greatest conceivable being, and that would contradict the very definition of God.

4. Teleological Argument

A second argument is the teleological argument. The teleological argument states that since the universe displays such an amazing design, there must have been a divine Designer. For example, if the Earth were significantly closer or farther away from the sun, it would not be capable of supporting much of the life it currently does. If the elements in our atmosphere were even a few percentage points different, nearly every living thing on Earth would die. The odds of a single protein molecule forming by chance is 1 in 10243 (that is a one followed by 243 zeros). A single cell is comprised of millions of protein molecules.

5. Cosmological argument

A third logical argument for God’s existence is called the cosmological argument. Every effect must have a cause. This universe and everything in it is an effect. There must be something that caused everything to come into existence. Ultimately, there must be something “un-caused” to cause everything else to exist. That “un-caused” cause is God.

6. Moral argument

Everyone has a sense of right and wrong A fourth argument is known as the moral argument. Every culture throughout history has had some form of law. Everyone has a sense of right and wrong. Murder, lying, stealing, and immorality are almost universally rejected. Where did this sense of right and wrong come from, if not from a holy God?

In conclusion, How do we know God exists?

As Christians, we know God exists because we pray to Him daily. We do not audibly hear Him talking to us, but we sense His presence, we feel his guidance, we know his love, and we desire His grace. Things have occurred in our lives that have no possible explanation other than God. God has so miraculously saved us and transformed our lives that we cannot help but acknowledge and praise His existence. None of these arguments can persuade anyone who refuses to acknowledge what is already obvious. In the end, God’s existence must be accepted by faith (Hebrews 11:6 NIV).

People claim to reject God’s existence because it is “not scientific” or “because there is no proof.” The true reason is that once they admit that there is a God, they also must realise that they are responsible to God and in need of forgiveness from Him (Romans 3:236:23 NIV).

If God exists, then we are accountable to Him for our actions. If God does not exist, then we can do whatever we want without worrying about God’s judgment. That is why many who deny the existence of God cling strongly to the theory of naturalistic evolution—it provides an alternative to believing in a Creator God.

God exists, and ultimately, everyone knows that He exists. The very fact that some attempt so aggressively to disprove His existence serves as an argument for His reality.

Faith in God is not a blind leap into the dark; it is a confident step into a well-lit room where the vast majority of people are already standing.

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