Did God really say ?

Did God really say ?

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One of the ways in which the enemy can make us disobey God is by using this statement, “Did really say ?”

When Satan planned to attack Eve? He did that by making this statement, Did God really say?

Genesis 3:1 NIV
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

Although Eve knew very well that God had given a command which they shouldn’t violate, however, the enemy planted doubt in her mind with this statement, “Did God really say ?”

The enemy uses the same statement to us also, “Did God really say ?”. “Did God really tell you not to do this ?” “Did God really say that it is a sin?“Maybe you can try it once, nothing will happen. Try it only one time, it’s not going to hurt anyone. Maybe God didn’t say it, but someone made it up.

At this point, even if you say, look at the scriptures, this is what has been said. The enemy will respond, Oh the scriptures are such an outdated book, written over 2000 years ago.! Maybe it’s not relevant, may you shouldn’t follow anymore.

The enemy attacks saying, “Did God really say ?”

He used this attack against Eve. This deception didn’t happen in just one moment, but it happened over a period of days… it was as if the enemy had a conversation with her and convinced her that it was okay to sin. Eventually, he succeeded in deceiving her and making her disobey God’s command.

When the enemy comes to us with such thoughts, the bible reminds us to resist him and not entertain him. But often, we end up having a conversation with the enemy…and if we do, that will lead us to disobey God.

As we begin our day, I encourage you to check if you have been deceived by the enemy with those, “Did God really say?”

Let’s pray
Father, Help us to Resist every voice of the enemy, every voice that says, “it’s okay to sin.’ Help us to resist so that we may live a life that is holy, & pleasing to you!. In Jesus’ name.

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