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Listen to Audio Devotion

Hebrews 4:12 NIV
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

I’ve got a friend. He was raised in a Christian family but wasn’t a believer when he was young. One day he decided to open the bible and the index of the bible had particular passages categorized based on the emotion the reader might be in; fear and anxiety, loneliness, worthlessness, anger, and so on. At that time, he was struggling with anxiety. The index suggested that those who are anxious can be benefited by reading Matt. 6:27-34.

He turned to the sermon on the mount, and read the passage mentioned and immediately a fire kindled in his heart. He said that he felt light, like a huge burden that he was carrying was taken away in an instant. And thus, he believed and is slowly but surely growing in his faith. Isn’t that relatable? Many of us have been there.

That’s the power of God’s word. Unlike any other book, the words written in this book are alive. It’s almost as if the bible reads us, as we read the bible. The Bible is not the transcript of a 2000-year-old TED talk. It’s the transcript of God speaking with us. These words can transform us and lead us to spiritual maturity. Let’s open it and read it carefully, asking God to set ablaze our hearts. God’s word cannot fail to bring about the desired results. The word of God contains very real power to accomplish His will (Isa. 55:11). All of creation is a witness to that (Gen. 1). One last thing. In my friend’s example, I told you that as soon as he read it, he felt light. As we approach God’s word, let’s not do it expecting any particular feeling. Let’s approach the word with our aim of following Christ. God has promised that His word won’t return empty. That’s it!

Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, we desire to grow in the knowledge of your word and grow in maturity as we follow you. Accomplish your will through your word father. We stand on your promise. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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