Be a Man

Be a Man - theologia
Be a Man - theologia

Be a Man

A Call to be a Man

“Be a Man” This is a line that is often told to boys reminding them to be strong, not complain or whine. I have heard that growing up but now this statement is used with a lot of caution not to offend the feminists.

However, there’s a lot more to this phrase because this is not just a saying by someone but a phrase that has its roots in the bible.

In Job 38:3 NIV, God speaks to Job, and here’s how he begins,

Job 38:3 NIV
Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.

“Brace yourself like a man.”

Let’s look at this in different translations

  • Job 38:3 ESV, “Dress for action like a man;
  • Job 38:3 NKJV, “Now prepare yourself like a man;
  • Job 38:3 KJV 1900, “Gird up now thy loins like a man;

What does it mean to be a man?

To be a man means the following:

  • Be bold & courageous
  • Be prepared to handle difficult tasks
  • Be determined
  • Be persistent & don’t give up till the task is complete
  • Be unfazed by problems
  • Be self-controlled
  • Be kind, compassionate, & sacrificial
    • Be ready to put your life on the line for others.
  • Be responsible
  • Be committed to your promise. (If you say something do it.)

Another expression that can be used to, “Be a Man” is to, “Be Tough”

Along with what it means to, “BE A MAN” I also want to share what it does not mean because we live in a world where the voices where the likes of Andrew Tate might seem very uplifting for men but somewhere in their talks they support what men shouldn’t be.

Here’s a list of what this, “BE A MAN” doesn’t mean.

  • Don’t be rude, harsh, or arrogant
  • Don’t be Uncivil
  • Don’t let your feelings & emotions dictate your life.
  • Don’t use your physical strength to manipulate, dominate & oppress women.
  • Don’t be selfish or possess a narcissistic attitude.
  • Don’t carry this attitude that others should serve you.
  • Don’t treat others with contempt.

A call to, “Be a Man” has more to do with a strong character than with arrogance; more to do with being self-controlled than letting your anger dominate you.

What are the benefits of, “being a man”?

1. You will fulfill your primary responsibility of being a

  1. Leader
  2. Provider
  3. Protector

2. You will fulfill God’s calling for your life,

If you compare the calling that God gives to men & women you will see a difference; men are often called to more labor-intensive tasks, work under high pressure, and stress. God gives such a calling to men because they are built for it.

Some women were called to serve God in various ways;

  • Miriam was a prophetess (Exodus 15:20)
  • Deborah was a prophetess & the only women judge who led Israel to great victory (Judges 4:4)
  • Queen Esther who stood for her people (Esther 4:4)
  • Lydia who was a successful businesswoman (Acts 16:14)
  • Phoebe, the Deacon; (Romans 16:1)
  • Priscilla, a tent-maker who collaborated with Paul and later joined the mission trip. (Romans 16:3)

Although women had their accomplishments in ministry, the work God called men to was always intense, laborious, and challenging.

  • Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation while exiled to the Island of Patmos which was one of the most difficult places to live at that time; (Revelation 1:1-2)
  • Paul experienced persecution, was stoned left half dead, imprisoned, and ship-wrecked multiple times; (2 Corinthians 11:24-29)
  • Ezekiel the prophet slept on one side for 390 days as a sign for the people; (Ezekiel 4)
    • It is very likely he didn’t lie down for 24 hours a day but lay down daily in a public spot and returned home in the evening.
  • Isaiah preached naked or with minimal clothing for three years (Isaiah 20:3)
  • Elijah walked for 40 days after eating one meal. (1 Kings 19:8)

In short, men had the most difficult and labor-intensive tasks this is because men are made that way. Unless a man lives like a man he cannot accomplish the call of God.

3. You will be able to manage emotions better

This means better control over your anger, and how you respond to problems.

4. You will be able to control your urges better

This is especially true in the area of pornography & masturbation. It is commonly known that a weak-willed man watches pornography and gives in to every urge. If you, “be like a man”; strong & tough then you will have better control of your emotions.

5. You will be better at handling pain & disappointment.

To be a Man is to be good at dealing with pain & disappointment. They don’t take out anger & frustration on their spouse or children but instead, learn to isolate themselves from the trouble.

As men, we ought to be tough, be a man. Unfortunately, some men refuse to grow up and instead choose to remain as boys. This can have catastrophic effects on themselves and their families.

Men, “Be a man”, “Be Tough”

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