Avoid situational lies

Avoid situational lies

Listen to Audio Devotion

There is one kind of lying called a situational lie. This is where a person based on the situation or the circumstance, speaks a lie.

For example, let’s say you don’t have a driving license and you are caught while driving. Instead of saying, I don’t have a license.. you may say, I left it at home or I forgot to bring it today! This is a situational lie..something that is said to prevent or avoid the situation from getting worse.

Sometimes this kind of lie can seem acceptable more than others, in fact, this kind of lie is used very often.

In the Bible, Peter the disciple who was close to Jesus tells a situational lie. This was in the context where Jesus was arrested and taken away but Peter and another disciple followed Jesus. At that time a girl sees Peter and says,

John 18:17 NIV
“You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you?” she asked Peter. He replied, “I am not.”

The girl asks, “Are you not one of the disciples of this man Jesus ?” Peter tells a situational lie, i.e., I am not.

Peter does this three times.

Finally, the rooster crowed. Jesus had already told Peter that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed. In other words, God had set up a way to convict Peter of his lies.

See, Jesus did not commend Peter but convicted him. This goes to say that lying of any kind is wrong. Whether it’s habitual or situational. God is displeased with Lies.

Situational lies are often justified. But in God’s perspective, a lie is always a lie.

Let’s Pray

Father, help us to be truthful in our talk, and in our actions. May our Life show that we belong to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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