A Spring whose waters never fail: March 2023

A Spring whose waters never fail: March 2023

Listen to Audio Devotion

Isaiah 58:11 NIV
The Lord will guide you always. He will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You’ll be like a well-watered garden like a spring, whose waters never fail.

It’s a beautiful verse. It’s a reminder of what God will do in our lives. I want us to focus on the second part of the verse that says, you’ll be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. I don’t know if you’ve been feeling hopeless or if you’ve been feeling as if you are running out of strength or if you felt like giving up.

No matter what you are going through, there is a reminder from God’s word for those who believe in God, trust in God. If you are walking in a covenant relationship with him, your life will be like a well-watered garden.

This phrase contains an image, imagery that often we may miss. If you look at a garden, a garden has certain seasons in which the flowers are in full bloom and certain seasons where there’s nothing exciting about it. The flowers are not blooming. There’s nothing great about it. So a garden looks great in one season, but in another season it may not look that great. But the assurance for us here is that no matter what we go through, no matter what season we go through, our life will always be in full bloom. Our life will always be like a well-watered garden. That is the assurance.

And if you look at the second part of the verse, it says like this, a spring whose waters never fail. If you look at the cultural context in which this word is spoken, there were actually many springs that failed, in one season there might be water in the spring, but in another season there’s no water. And there are also springs that deceive travelers. So when travelers are going about, you know, they look at a spring, it looks like there’s water, but as they get close to it, they realize there’s no water. But when God gets to work in our lives, what will happen is our life will be like a spring whose waters never fail.

You know, there are times when we look up to people and think this person will be of great help to us in times of my need, only to realize that they don’t have much to help us with. They can’t do anything for us. Sometimes we may feel that way. I don’t have much to help people. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

But God’s word reminds us that your life will be a resource to many a spring whose waters never fail. In other words, a spring whose waters never lie or deceive. When people come to you for counsel when people come to you for encouragement, you’ll be able to encourage them through God’s word, so they will receive something from your life that will make them praise God. You’ll be a spring whose waters never fail. I don’t know if you’ve been discouraged. I don’t know if you have been going through tough times, feeling like a dry spring. There’s nothing in you to give to others. I want you to know this, God is gonna do a work in your life in this month where your life will be like a spring, whose waters never fail.

So hold on to God, continue to walk close to him, walk in a covenant relationship with him, trust in him, and believe in him because he has great plans for your life.

Let’s pray.
Father in heaven, we thank you and praise you because you are the God who. Fails to increase us. And Lord, as we read this word from Isaiah 58: 11, our hearts rejoice because we believe that in this month we will see you working more than ever. That our life will become like a spring whose waters never fail, and our life will be like a garden that is well watered, blooming throughout every season throughout the year. We thank you, God, for the supernatural work that you’re gonna do in our life. And so, Lord, help us, help us to walk close to you and help us to trust in you and believe in you. Put our faith in you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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