A Binding Agreement

A Binding Agreement

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Nehemiah 9-10

In view of all this, we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders, our Levites, and our priests are affixing their seals to it. – Nehemiah 9:38

It is my suggestion that you would read Nehemiah 9-10 before continuing, but you can follow along well even if you don’t. In Nehemiah 9, you’ll see that the nation of Israel is confessing their sins to God. And if you read the next chapter, they’re describing the details of the agreement or covenant that is spoken of. They were so serious about it that they were willing to be put under the curse of God in case they broke the covenant.

Something similar happened in the 18th century. In 1722, Jonathan Edwards an American theologian listed 70 resolutions that he made to live in harmony with God and others.

You can read all 70 resolutions here.

In our culture today, the word resolution is limited to the end of December and the start of January.

This Monday morning, the start of a new week, let’s make a simple resolution to follow God. It’s not necessary to make too serious an agreement like Israel did in Nehemiah 10. We want to make a simple resolve to follow Him. At the same time, we don’t want to make some casual promises. It is serious. The Good Shepherd Himself will guide us, as we make a commitment to follow Him.

Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, we want to follow you. As we start our week, a lot of unnecessary things are going to grab our attention and we’re very much prone to get lost in the paths that you haven’t laid. We’re helpless God. Hold our hands and walk with us as we desire to follow You, and You alone. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

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