This is why Church matters

This is why Church matters

Listen to Audio Devotion

As we come to the end of the week, one of the things that we have to remind ourselves is our commitment to attending church on a regular basis. Now, you may be someone who’s doing that or maybe someone who’s not really doing that wherever you are. I just want to encourage you that church fellowships matter.

The Excuses

Church fellowships are something that God desires that we are part of. As a pastor, I’ve often heard people give lots of excuses as to why they didn’t show up to the church, and one of the reasons I’ve heard is that, uh, I wake up, pray, do my own thing, and then go back to sleep. It’s as if they have their own service.

Now, is it right according to the Bible? Absolutely not. The Bible does not encourage us to do that but rather encourages us to be part of a fellowship. Now, private prayer is separate, but on a day when you’re supposed to be in the house of God, have fellowship. Be there, do that. Fellowship with like-minded people so that you will grow in the faith. God desires that.

Two Reasons

So there are two, two important reasons why church matters. The first reason that church matters is that it helps us grow in our faith. You know, throughout the week we go through different circumstances, different challenges. We face things of all kinds. You know, yesterday next to my church building, I witnessed the aftermath of a terrible accident, and uh, I happened to see the body of that person and you know, it shook me up. It really made me wonder how fragile life is because, in an instant at the moment, everything just changes. You know, we go through different challenges like that that shake up certain things in us, but as we come back to church.

As we come back to church, it really resets our, our life, you know, puts our faith in the right place and helps us to grow. The second important factor is that when we come together as the body of Christ, we glorify God more. There is a glory that God receives in fellowship. Where when people come together, fellowship with each other, and enjoy each other’s presence, they’re also glorifying God through the unity that they show, through the love that they show to each other. As a result, what happens is the body of Christ countries to grow and more and more people are added to the church. The Bible says this in Hebrews 10:25 NLT, And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Let’s Pray

Father, help us to celebrate your people in your presence, Fellowship with one another so that we may grow in our faith and also glorify you. We thank you for who you are. Help us to be strong in our commitment to our church in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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