An alternative to reading the Bible

An alternative to reading the Bible

Listen to Audio Devotion

Romans 10:17 NIV
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

So yesterday we committed to following Christ. Made an agreement. But the act of following Christ might seem really vague. What is it to follow Christ? It would’ve been so easy if we could open Instagram and click follow on the verified account of Jesus Christ. We would’ve been up to date with everything that he has to say to the world. We would’ve been constantly on the watch, eagerly waiting for that story or that post to see what he’s got to say. But we know that it’s not that easy.

To follow Jesus is to want to imitate Him. We want to follow in His footsteps by constantly obeying our Father in heaven. But how will we know His footsteps, and how will we imitate Him, if don’t know about Him? Here comes the part where the pastor says, “You’ve got to read your bible”. You heard that a thousand times. But the reality is this. Chuck reading the bible, nowadays we find it tough to pick up any book. I’m speaking for the masses here. With entertaining bite-sized content like Instagram reels and YouTube shorts, reading the bible seems like a drag. Is there any workaround for this? Can I still follow Christ while avoiding the bible?

Here’s some bad news – there’s no workaround. The Bible is the perfect revelation about Jesus and his teachings. No TV Series or movie about Christ is as credible as the bible itself. It cannot be replaced. But here’s the good news – It’s possible to cultivate a habit of knowing the bible in a different manner as well. Just as some of you are listening to this devotion on Spotify or on our website, you can listen to the word of God. Crossway publishers have many bible listening plans, in the form of podcasts. I’ll leave a link to them here.

That being said, this is just a simple alternative option. You need to have the will to know God. Many men of faith whom we look up to in the history of Christianity, were martyred for having a copy of the bible. The so-called cross that we’re bearing to enforce our will to read the bible, doesn’t seem significant at all. But we need help; we need strength. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith and He will help you to read or listen to the bible.

Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, with the agreement that we made yesterday, we want to start making progress in keeping our side of the agreement. We want to know you. Help us to know you.


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