Is it biblical to leave your parent’s house after marriage?

Is it biblical to leave your parent’s house after marriage?

After my last article on Genesis 2:24 where I explained the real meaning of the verse, I believe many have been left with the question, “Is it Biblical to leave your parent’s house after marriage?.” In case you have not read the previous article, I recommend you read it before reading this article. If you are someone who just wants to know the answer to the question, “Should I move out ?”, let me summarise the previous article so that you can gain a better understanding of this answer.


Genesis 2:24 is often used as a rule to say that after marriage the man must physically move out of his father’s house to build his family. Though moving out is a good idea, however, this verse does not teach to move out rather it teaches man to prioritize his wife more than his parents, siblings, and other family members.

The Question

So, now the Question… Is it biblical to move out after marriage? Would God be pleased with that?

The Answer

To understand this better you must keep this in mind, “God is more pleased when a man and his wife grow, thrive and prosper in their family life. God desires that they procreate and bring up a Godly generation.” That is God’s desire for every marriage, every family.

Practically speaking, in some cases this kind of family growth is possible only if the Husband and wife can stay separate from their parents because of the potential conflict that could arise with the in-laws. (I am not blaming the in-laws but stating that for some, getting along is hard).

In some cases, the man might choose to stay back in his parent’s house and may still be able to grow and thrive as a family.

In some cases, One of the parents might have lost their spouse and are all by themselves. It would be better for the man to stay back and take care and build his family. Because taking care of parents is also a Godly thing.

1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Some might argue that I can take care of my parents even while staying away from my parents. If that’s possible then, it’s great.

So, long as the family grows, and parents are taken care of. God is pleased.

Conclusion: Is it biblical?

If you decide to move out and if that’s the best for your family. It’s biblical.

Suppose you decide to stay to take care of aged parents and are still able to raise your family. That’s biblical too.

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