God is Concerned about your Suffering

God is Concerned about your Suffering

Listen to Audio Devotion

Good Morning, Welcome to a New Day! I Hope you are doing well.

This Morning I would like to speak from the second part of the same verse I shared yesterday.

The Verse is taken from

Exodus 3:7 NIV

7 The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.

I’d like to focus on the part where God says, “I am concerned about their suffering.”

There are many views of God, one view in particular is that God is disconnected from us. He’s far, and so different that he cannot connect or understand us. This view is often called Agnosticism. In this view they acknowledge that God exists however he cannot be known nor can we relate to him.

In the biblical times, this was a common thought in the Pagan world. But our God, Jesus, is often described as the one who

  1. Hears our Cry
  2. Concerned about our Suffering

When Jesus’ friend Lazarus died.

  • Jesus wept.

What we see is a God who fully understands our pain, our misery, and our tears. Sometimes we carry problems or issues that we can’t speak about or share with anyone. God knows all that too. He sympathizes with us.

In the case of Israel, they were being oppressed in Egypt, they were suffering under the hands of the cruel slave masters. The Bible says, “God was concerned about their suffering.” The result was, God delivered them miraculously and destroyed the Egyptians.

I want you to know something. God is concerned about your suffering. He is coming to save you. He will deal with those who have oppressed you.

Don’t lose hope.

Let’s Pray.

God, you are our deliverer, and you are the one who set us free from every evil oppression. We believe God that no matter what situation we are stuck in, you will come to save us. In Jesus’ name. amen.

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